Fire Protection Coatings Application

Fire Protection Coatings Contractor

An Integral Part of Your Facility's Fire Safety Team


The dangers from fire go far beyond just flames. Loss of structural integrity, intense heat, smoke and toxic fume emissions, as well as the unimpeded rapid spread of flames present hazards to any facility. These dangers make fire protection coatings an essential element in protecting lives and infrastructure.


The right fire protection coatings contractor can be a valuable addition to your safety planning, bringing a wealth of up-to-date knowledge and experience which can help you protect your building more effectively.


JH Painting: We are Fire Protection Coatings Contractors in action


Fire protection coatings play a critical role in the first stages of a fire. Proper coatings reduce the rate of spread and give building occupants time to make it to safety. The right coating can also mitigate damages to structural elements to a certain degree. Since different types of materials react differently to a fire, getting the right kind of fire coating is vital.


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